From Gina Tricot for about 15 NOK.
We met by a trick of fate
SOUNDTRACK: Camera Obscura – French Navy
I dag tror jeg at jeg har en perfect hair day – så nærme som jeg kommer i alle fall! Og det passer jo bra, for i dag har storesøster (hun som ble mamma på mandag) bursdag og jeg har på kjole og HURRA! ♥ Håper du får en fin søndag! 🙂
Today’ I’m as close to a perfect hair day as I’ve ever been, and that’s good, ’cause today is my big sister’s birthday (the sister who had a baby on Monday, you see, I have two) and I’m wearing a dress and HOORAY! ♥ Happy Sunday! 🙂
Pink ombre
Don’t do love, don’t do friends
SOUNDTRACK: Marina and The Diamonds – Oh No!
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be
I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine
I’m now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy
Oh, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh
Treg lørdag, ganske godt egentlig. I dag har jeg – fanfare – brukt hair chalk!!! Testet bare såvidt i tuppene, så det blir gøy å se om det faktisk synes på det nokså mørke håret mitt når det tørker. 😀
A slow Saturday, which is kind of nice. Today I’ve tried – cue fanfare – hair chalk!!! Bare testet it on the ends, so now I’ll just have to wait till it’s dry to see if the color actually works on my quite dark hair. 😀
New in: R2-D2 + leopard = love
Inspirational Friday: Tea time
Iiiiit’s Lana!
“That’s a lot of hair.”
Det MÅ bare bli en bra dag når den starter med dette:
Disney på skjermen og sjokopops med melk! It’s Tangled, baby!
I keep forgetting writing in English… Well, not too much in this post, just that I had the best morning ever eating chocolate cereal and watching Tangled! 🙂
Why don’t we just pretend?
SOUNDTRACK: Marina and The Diamonds – Lies
Bik Bok jeans eBay necklace, sweater homemade dreamcatcher earring Primark vest
Et av dagens tre(?) antrekk, t-skjorte var for kaldt, genseren over ble for varm da jeg laget mat så nå sitter jeg i min nye Lana-skjorte. Gotta love Etsy!