You sure this is enough?

I dag samlet jeg sammen alle dekslene mine og jeg fant fort ut at jeg har mer enn nok for en goood stund fremover!

Hurra for eBay?

Man kan trygt si at jeg har et for hvert humør og vel så det! Utrolig hvor mye fint, kult og BILLIG man finner om man skriver inn “iphone 4s case” på eBay, altså… Om man vil ha noe mer unikt kan man også titte innom Etsy, der fant jeg blant annet deksler i tre!?

Okay, so my “little” iPhone case obsession clearly must stop, as I now have one case for each mood and then more… Well, at least they were cheap! Just write “iphone 4s case” on eBay and there’s no saying how much cool, nice and CHEAP stuff you end up with. If you’re after something more unique, you can try Etsy, I found one made entirely out of wood!?

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