October goals

♥  ikke kjøpe nytt, men heller dra på bruktbutikker og loppemarked

♥  trene to ganger i uka hele måneden (gjerne mer, men let’s be realistic)

♥  ha med kameraet overalt og venne meg til å ta masse bilder igjen

♥  bli ferdig med pensum i god tid, og så lese Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

♥  lage antrekksinnlegg oftere – jeg synes det er så gøy!

♥  gå turer

(all pictures: weheartit)

October goals: Don’t buy anything new, but visit thriftstores and flea markets instead. Work out twice a week. Bring my camera everywhere so to make myself used to taking lots of pictures again. Finish my reading list in good time, and then start reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Make outfit posts more often. Go for walks.

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