Δ Takk for sommerferie og eksamener som gikk (relativt) fint.
Δ Takk masse fint i posten, spesielt denne:
Δ Takk for Jo Nesbø. For et geni!
Δ Takk for True Blood sesong 4!!! ERIC ♥
Δ Takk for The Sims 3, jeg hadde glemt hvor gøy det er.
Δ Takk for nok et kjempefint tilskudd i tantebarnflokken!
Δ Takk for masse fin musikk, blant annet sanger av Lana Del Rey som ikke fins på Spotify. Også Yeezus, da.
Det har ikke skjedd så altfor meget i juni, jeg har bare hatt ferie og sløst bort dagene på ingenting – sånn som det skal være? Juli blir heldigvis mer innholdsrik, fordi a) jeg skal jobbe og b) jeg skal begynne å trene igjen. Da blir dagene straks litt artigere!
Var juni snill mot deg?
Good things about June:
Summer vay-cay started, right after my finals which went relatively well.
A lot of pretty things showed up in my mailbox, among others was the Wildfox-lookalike!
I have read a lot of Jo Nesbø’s novels, and I LOVE THAT MAN!
The 4th season of the vampire series True Blood started – I’m psyched! ERIC ♥
I have also spent some time playing The Sims 3. Once a nerd, always a nerd.
Yet another addition to my crew of nieces and nephews, little Romeo who is now just a week old.
I’ve listened to a lot of great music: Unreleased (at least internationally) tracks by Lana Del Rey (found on YouTube) and Kanye West’s new album Yeezus.
As I have been neither going to school or working, I’ve wasted my days doing nothing – just like it’s supposed to be, right? July will hopefully be more interesting, because a) I’ll be at work and b) I’ll start working out again. That’ll make the days more fun!
Was June nice to you?
Så masse fint du hadde å takke for 😀