SOUNDTRACK: Marina and The Diamonds – Oh No!
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be
I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine
I’m now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy
Oh, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh
Treg lørdag, ganske godt egentlig. I dag har jeg – fanfare – brukt hair chalk!!! Testet bare såvidt i tuppene, så det blir gøy å se om det faktisk synes på det nokså mørke håret mitt når det tørker. 😀
A slow Saturday, which is kind of nice. Today I’ve tried – cue fanfare – hair chalk!!! Bare testet it on the ends, so now I’ll just have to wait till it’s dry to see if the color actually works on my quite dark hair. 😀
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